Apple’s New Emojis Spark National Immigration & Cultural Genocide Debate Latino Humor Advertising April 9, 2015
BREAKING: Navy Seals Who Threw Osama bin Laden’s Body Into Sea Were Latino, Prayed to Allah Latino Humor News March 2, 2015
10 Common Misconceptions Mexicans Have If You’re A Latino U.S. Soccer Fan Soccer/Futbol April 14, 2015
This Couple’s Pregnancy Announcement Using Microsoft’s Age Guess Tool Is Genius Latino Humor Comedy May 13, 2015
San Antonio Mom Sneaks In Elote To Movie Theater Latino Humor Entertainment November 30, 2016“Some people sneak candy into the movie theater. My mom sneaks in corn on the cob.” Who the hell hasn’t...
6 Mexican Breakfast Meals That Are Better Than Taco Bell’s Biscuit Taco Latino Humor Food May 5, 2015The smart guys at Taco Bell decided to fake gringos out once again on Mexican food. All they really did...